Infant Journal
for neonatal and paediatric healthcare professionals

Delta Medical launches jaundice products

Delta Medical has launched two new products for the detection and treatment of neonatal jaundice.

The international transcutaneous jaundice meter is a portable device that can be used quickly in the ongoing clinical examination of neonatal jaundice. Instantaneous results displayed on an LCD display confirm whether the child's blood levels indicate treatment for hyperbilirubinaemia, allowing the appropriate care to be commenced immediately, and the reusable monitor eliminates the need for costly disposables.

Delta Medical has also introduced the LiLLY LED phototherapy lamp for treatment of neonatal jaundice. It includes dual output levels, an integrated white examination light and a patient temperature monitor. The lamp can be used directly on top of the incubator or on an optional mobile stand and users can programme a number of different phototherapy sequences. These allow staff to define light intensity and period of treatment for a series of steps.

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